Monday, February 7, 2011


I must say I wouldn't wish divorce upon anyone. I imagined I would get through this easily, quickly, and being as civil as possible. Wow, did I under estimate that! The last week has been hell. The things people do when they are mad or upset are quite surprising. I'm glad to have the last week behind me. I'm also very thankful for the wonderful friends and family that I have. There are a few people I definitely couldn't get through this without. I'm so glad I have people who understand me, are forgiving, and very supportive! I need them to vent to, cry to, and just pretty much whine to whenever necessary! As ugly as last week was, things are looking up. I'm meeting new people, discovering new things about myself, and going out new places. All very exciting! I'm also learning, or trying to, to accept things as they are and not let it affect me. This is hard, but I'm trying. There is so much I can take from this experience. I'm trying to take it all in, learn from it, and definitely not make the same mistakes again. Wish me luck!

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